Transition from Elementary School Teaching to Freelance Performance

In 2012, I decided to make a big transition from teaching elementary school music to becoming a freelance performer and private music instructor.  Looking back, how would I advise others entering the world of performance and entrepreneurship?  First of all, I took every opportunity to gain performance experience.  Not every performance venue was a perfect fit, but I learned more about myself and what my strengths were as a performer.  Two excellent places to gain performance experience are at open mics and in churches.  Both settings are a great way to bring your music to a large cross-section of people.  Secondly, I participated in local networking business groups.  The transition to entrepreneurship can be a lonely one in comparison to a standard 40-hour week job.  Networking provides the opportunity to make connections and get to know your local community.  Thirdly, I familiarized myself with business basics by enrolling in a start-up class at a local Chamber of Commerce.  From this class, I learned the fundamentals of bookkeeping, paperwork to file, and tax basics that allowed me to set up a legitimate local business.  The world of entrepreneurship can initially be daunting, but reaps rewards if you put in time and effort during the beginning years.

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